Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Space-Gun Studios in October's Zuda!

Space-Gunner Evan Bryce (artist) and Vinh-Luan Luu (letterist) with writer Doug Wagner of Gaijin Studios are in this month's Zuda competition with their story "Hammer Sound". The story followd Jonah Henry, a descendant of John Henry, in a dystrophic future of 2057. Jonah must protect his charge Pollie as he grants her mother's dying wish: deliver her daughter and their tiny kitten Beebee to the only man she trusts, the father that ostracized her years ago. The future of the world is tied within the little girl's DNA; so it's up to Jonah and his trusty hammer Lucille to protect her from assassins and deadly robots.

This is a big opportunity for us and we would really appreciate your help. Please register/log-in to Zuda (it’s free and they do keep your information private) and give your vote/favorite to Hammer Sound. You can keep up with Hammer Sound news at our Facebook or MySpace Group. New artwork and wallpapers are constantly being updated on our production blog. Thanks!

Vote for Hammer Sound!

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