Wow! STAPLE! 2008! What an awesome show it was. Thanks to our guests, exhibitors, volunteers, attendees, good folks at the Monarch and everyone else who helped to make it so.
The final attendance figure this year was close to 700 people, nearly a 50% increase from last year! My buddy David Martindale (aka D3) of photography got a great crowd shot from the old projection booth.
Packed! He took a lot more pics too, which tended to be mostly of cute girls. As always there are more good looking people at STAPLE! than any other comics related event in the country. I will stand by this statement!
Lot of press and write-ups about the show cropping up:
The TV was there! The TV!!!
All of our awesome webcomics panelists have posted reports:
And Texas Geek TV got video of the panel!
A couple more flikr sets here:
And what I think is my fave wrap-up of all so far, by exhibitor Santanu Rahman of Austin Kung Fu Acadamey:
I challenge anyone else to try and top that!
I got some pics myself but they are all on this old-timey disposable camera I picked up at ye olde antique shoppe (aka Walgreen's) and I need to send off to the museum to get them developerated. Should have them back by next year - hope that I will see you then!
Uncle Staple
It's true. I'll pimp anybody who looks at me funny.
And anyone who needs a fix, protection, and who loves you in a deranged, difficult way that no man or woman can explain and burns like bile till you take the pills that make everything soft and easy.
"the pills that make everything soft and easy."
Pills plural, Chris. Baby got PROBLEMS.
thanks for an AWESOME show! The KOOP benefit party was a lot of fun too! Both experiences were very humbling but also very inspiring. Met a LOT of cool people and I wish I could've gotten away from the table to meet more. Lord Vile particularly gets mad props as does the Baton Rouge Cartoonist Society (my 'neighbors') who were particularly gracious AND just really cool guys.
i hope to make out there again. thanks to everyone for the kind words of encouragement. i hope to run into you all again soon!
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